LG — A awarded the 'French Design 100' by VIA Lina Ghotmeh — Architecture FD100_News2

LG — A awarded the 'French Design 100' by VIA

Our atelier is proud to be awarded the 'FD100 2018/2019' prize. Hailed by Philippe Stark, the awad winners were selected by a jury composed of personalities including Suvi Saloniemi, Alain Dufour, Miryon Ko, Maria Wettergren... The 'FD100' list gathers product designers and architects promoting French Design in the world. 

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Nominated for the 'Moira Gimmell Prize' Lina Ghotmeh — Architecture WomanArchitecture_News

Nominated for the 'Moira Gimmell Prize'

Proud to be nominated for the Moira Gimmell Prize "Women in Architecture Award 2019". A campain which recognises excellence in women designers with a bright future under the age of 45. It is initiated by The Architects Journal and The Architectural Review.

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WONDER LAB inauguration in Beijing Lina Ghotmeh — Architecture Wonderlab_OpeningCN1_News
WONDER LAB inauguration in Beijing Lina Ghotmeh — Architecture Wonderlab_OpeningCN3_News
WONDER LAB inauguration in Beijing Lina Ghotmeh — Architecture Wonderlab_OpeningCN2_News

WONDER LAB inauguration in Beijing

WONDER LAB, the first museum exhibition dedicated to French Master of Crafts, is presented at the National Museum of China in Beijing from 12 January to 17 March 2019. Designed by our atelier as a red treasure chest, this exhibition scenography carries us towards the heart of a fascinating exchange between cultures. An uncanny spatial discovery of the exceptional craftsmanship of French and Chinese Master Artists. 

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Selected. Urban Renovation of the Site of Montparnasse Lina Ghotmeh — Architecture MontparnasseNews

Selected. Urban Renovation of the Site of Montparnasse

LG—A has been selected to compete for the call for entries initiated by the City of Paris for the urban redevelopment of the Main-Montparnasse site in Paris alongside Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners.

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Publication. Interview with Lina Ghotmeh in IDEAT Lina Ghotmeh — Architecture Ideat_News

Publication. Interview with Lina Ghotmeh in IDEAT

Interview with Lina Ghotmeh in the special-issue dedicated to architecture of IDEAT Magazine. 

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Finalists of the competition “Inventer Bruneseau” Lina Ghotmeh — Architecture Bruneseau2News

Finalists of the competition “Inventer Bruneseau”

Teaming up with the London-based studio Thomas Heatherwick, the French Brenac&Gonzalez and DVVD our atelier’s project is now finalist for “Inventons Bruneseau” competition. Located in the 13th along a strategic urban node, the site bridges between Paris and Ivry responding to the challenges of extending the city of Paris. 

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Publication. "Les Grands Verres" in Confort Magazine

Our renovation project “Les Grands Verres”, restaurant of the Palais de Tokyo, in the issue n°165 of Confort Magazine, a Japanese magazine dedicated to architecture. 

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Selected. Renovation at the headquarters of Société Générale Lina Ghotmeh — Architecture SocieteGe_News

Selected. Renovation at the headquarters of Société Générale

Our atelier participates in the call for entries of the French bank Société Générale for a global renovation operation of their headquarters situated on the Boulevard Haussmann. 

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Selected. Competition on two sites in Toulouse Lina Ghotmeh — Architecture Toulouse_CalesDuRadoub2_News
Selected. Competition on two sites in Toulouse Lina Ghotmeh — Architecture Toulouse_CalesDuRadoub_News

Selected. Competition on two sites in Toulouse

Our atelier has been selected to compete on two sites in the city of Toulouse.  For the urban design and architecture project of housing and public functions design in the exceptional natural site of Amidonniers and the Cales des Radoubs in the context of the competition “Dessine moi Toulouse”. 

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Homepage Lina Ghotmeh — Architecture Toulouse_CalesDuRadoub_News
Selected for Two Sites. “Inventons La Metropole” Lina Ghotmeh — Architecture Inventer_LaMetropole

Selected for Two Sites. “Inventons La Metropole”

Our atelier has been retained for the competition “Inventons la Métropole” on two sites: within the city of Clichy and the city of Le Bourget at the outskirts of Paris, France. 

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Jury of Liliane Bettencourt Award
Jury of Liliane Bettencourt Award

Jury of Liliane Bettencourt Award "l'intelligence de la main"

Lina Ghotmeh is invited to take part of the jury- selection committee for the Liliane Bettencourt Award Intelligence of the hand. This prize rewards craftsmanship, creativity and innovation in the Arts. 

« Black Ocean » from the feather artist Julien Vermeulen

© S. Zenon pour la Fondation Bettencourt Schueller

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Winners at the

Winners at the "2A Awards 2018"

We are proud to announce that we were granted 3 Awards at the “2A Continental Awards 2018” by a jury constituted by renowned specialists such as Abbas Gharib, Willy Müller, Yoko Okuyama and Carme Pinós. 

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