Winners. National Choreographic Center of Tours Lina Ghotmeh — Architecture ToursWinners_News
Winners. National Choreographic Center of Tours Lina Ghotmeh — Architecture ToursWinners_News3
Winners. National Choreographic Center of Tours Lina Ghotmeh — Architecture ToursWinners_News2

Winners. National Choreographic Center of Tours

Our proposal "Urban Dance" wins the competition initiated by the City of Tours for the creation of the new National Choreographic Center in the Casernes Beaumont-Chauveau district. Designed as an ode to dance and movement, the architecture of this project creates a fertile urban opening towards discoveries and possibilities.


Winners. National Choreographic Center of Tours Lina Ghotmeh — Architecture ToursWinners_News
Winners. National Choreographic Center of Tours Lina Ghotmeh — Architecture ToursWinners_News3
Winners. National Choreographic Center of Tours Lina Ghotmeh — Architecture ToursWinners_News2