“Jardins” Exhibition - Luxembourg Museum
Gardens as Humanity:
For the scenography of this exhibition, we decided to tell the tale of gardens in the manner that one would tell a story.
By shaping gardens to satisfy our needs, we reveal our relationship to nature - a seductive impression that embodies imagination, fantasy, dreams, faith, and, at the same time, encourages thinking about the situation of our existence on this planet. This exhibition not only invites the viewer to look at gardens through a poetic and personal lens, but also raises questions of contemporary environmental concerns. Is being a gardener today not the most human pursuit?
We proposed an immersive journey into the sensorial world of gardens, by encapsulating the passing of time. In this way we linked the experience to the cycle of life, the different seasons, the notions of permanence and ephemerality and the material and immaterial. Three temporal elements are introduced through three protagonists: nature, the garden and the visitor. The scenario is built around the notions of limits, textures, light and different views are framed to create a connection between the viewer and the space.
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