2017 — 2020 Angers, France

'Les Bois d'Angers' Wooden Housing

Wood accompanied humans since the dawn of mankind. Before a sedentary lifestyle, humans constructed with wood, hunted with wooden artifacts, and of course heated with wood their entire life. Wood is a key material in human societies and its daily life. For our team, the choice of a wooden construction was evident. Surely, we all know about the destructive impact of recent construction methods on our planet: CO2 emissions cause global warming, exhausting resources, polluting and wasting water, creating sound disturbances… Wood is an environmentally friendly material, it is one of the few “bio-sourced” natural construction materials available. A sustainable resource, exploited from the French forests, and managed respectfully through reforestation.

The project initiated by ADIVBois is by nature innovative: it constitutes a structural challenge, it is a response towards an environmental urgency and allows the use of an exploitable as well as renewable resource. Angers is a French city located nearby the Natural Regional Park Loire Anjou Touraine, characterized by it’s proximity to nature, to the woods. It’s wooden traditional constructions still sprinkle the city, like the old timber frame of the St Martin’s Church. The revival of wooden constructions by using ancient techniques and employing innovation from our time seemed obvious. In this context, our project draws the history of wood construction in a single architectural language; from houses, to a ten leveled tower culminating in the city’s sky. It is a place imagined for the inhabitants’ well being. It is necessary to feel good close to nature, enveloped by a renewable, natural and warm material. Living in the Bois d’Angers is also a form of pioneering of a new lifestyle for a sustainable future that starts today. Angers is well-known for having an innovative perspective on nature: an opportunity for this building which embraces the forest, to position itself as an expansion of nature and biodiversity.

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Info + Press

Project information

Angers, France
2017 — 2020
6500 m²
Commission type
Duval Développement, France

Project team

Lina Ghotmeh — Architecture
BET Fluides
Sound Designer
Collaborating Architects
Calq Architecture, Paris
Les Bois d'Angers - Wooden Housing Lina Ghotmeh — Architecture ADIV BOIS---02
Les Bois d'Angers - Wooden Housing Lina Ghotmeh — Architecture ADIV-BOIS---03
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Les Bois d'Angers - Wooden Housing Lina Ghotmeh — Architecture 26841530_10159947430685602_6799022170706832017_o