2019 — 2023 Normandy, France

Precise Acts - Hermès Workshops

The first passive, energy-positive, and low-carbon industrial building in France.

"The construction and implantation of the future building has to meet Hermès’ exemplarity and rigor of craftsmanship”. Precision — the quality of what is calculated, measured, provides unequivocal information. It is the keyword, and the main act that guided our design of the Hermès Workshops’ building in France. The hand’s precision and its gestures on leatherwork are transcribed in the drawing of the building, its implantation, its qualities, as well as its dimensions, sustainability, timelessness and evolutive capacities. These new leather workshops emerge from the exact site’s outline. They are drawn by the nearby nature and are placed on the most remarkable parcel of the site; at the perspective of the great region’s altimetry. Its orthogonal grid, orchestrated by its internal functioning, unfolding on the land, meeting the ground, encompassing the landscape, and dialoguing with the territory.

The structure of this building is marked by the power of the hand, allowing simultaneously the specific and the universal. In between alignment and organicity, the architecture is discrete, and blends itself with the landscape’s poetry. The great ‘spanning’ arches follow the workshops frame. As a manifest form of brick construction, the arch incarnates movement, and evokes the galops of a horse. These spans create large bay windows. The natural light is precise, comfortable, abundant, diffuse. The ceiling apertures, aligned to the north, invite a museal lighting into the space. The later illuminating with perfection the leather goods in the hands of their creators, accentuating life and vibration. The dialogue between the craftspersons and their creations is now possible. Fusion between the object and the artisan, between the artisan and the space, between space and landscape the new Hermès workshop is drawn at each step by its surroundings and operates towards high environmental ambitions. A passive building, low in Carbon footprint and positive in energies (Bpos E4C2) has nothing incidental and makes out of everything an environmental resource.

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Precise Acts - Hermès Workshops Lina Ghotmeh — Architecture Hermes-LGA-1897_1680x1120

Photo © Iwan Baan

Precise Acts - Hermès Workshops Lina Ghotmeh — Architecture Hermes-LGA-1894_1680x1120

Photo © Iwan Baan

Precise Acts - Hermès Workshops Lina Ghotmeh — Architecture Hermes-LGA-1388

Photo © Iwan Baan

Precise Acts - Hermès Workshops Lina Ghotmeh — Architecture Hermes-LGA-1552_1680x1120

Photo © Iwan Baan

Precise Acts - Hermès Workshops Lina Ghotmeh — Architecture Hermes-LGA-1698_1680x1120

Photo © Iwan Baan

Precise Acts - Hermès Workshops Lina Ghotmeh — Architecture Hermes-LGA-1633_1680x1120

Photo © Iwan Baan

Precise Acts - Hermès Workshops Lina Ghotmeh — Architecture Hermes-LGA-1567_1680x1120

Photo © Iwan Baan

Precise Acts - Hermès Workshops Lina Ghotmeh — Architecture Hermes-Briquerie-new-Paysage-1680x1120_01
Precise Acts - Hermès Workshops Lina Ghotmeh — Architecture Hermes-Briquerie-new-Paysage-1680x1120_02
Precise Acts - Hermès Workshops Lina Ghotmeh — Architecture Hermes-Briquerie-new-Paysage-834x1112_01
Precise Acts - Hermès Workshops Lina Ghotmeh — Architecture Hermes-Briquerie-new-Paysage-1680x1120_03
Precise Acts - Hermès Workshops Lina Ghotmeh — Architecture Hermes-LGA-1839_1680x1120

Photo © Iwan Baan

Info + Press

Project information

Normandy, France
2019 — 2023
6200 m²
Commission type
Hermès International*

Project team

Lina Ghotmeh — Architecture
Erik Dhont
Frank Boutté Consultants
Roads system and urban public utilities
Kitchen Cabinet

Published in

Le Monde d'Hermès Feb 24 2020
Le Monde d'Hermès (Fr)
Precise Acts - Hermès Workshops Lina Ghotmeh — Architecture Hermes-LGA-1897_1680x1120

Photo © Iwan Baan

Precise Acts - Hermès Workshops Lina Ghotmeh — Architecture Hermes-LGA-1894_1680x1120

Photo © Iwan Baan

Precise Acts - Hermès Workshops Lina Ghotmeh — Architecture Hermes-LGA-1388

Photo © Iwan Baan

Precise Acts - Hermès Workshops Lina Ghotmeh — Architecture Hermes-LGA-1552_1680x1120

Photo © Iwan Baan

Precise Acts - Hermès Workshops Lina Ghotmeh — Architecture Hermes-LGA-1698_1680x1120

Photo © Iwan Baan

Precise Acts - Hermès Workshops Lina Ghotmeh — Architecture Hermes-LGA-1633_1680x1120

Photo © Iwan Baan

Precise Acts - Hermès Workshops Lina Ghotmeh — Architecture Hermes-LGA-1567_1680x1120

Photo © Iwan Baan

Precise Acts - Hermès Workshops Lina Ghotmeh — Architecture Hermes-Briquerie-new-Paysage-1680x1120_01
Precise Acts - Hermès Workshops Lina Ghotmeh — Architecture Hermes-Briquerie-new-Paysage-1680x1120_02
Precise Acts - Hermès Workshops Lina Ghotmeh — Architecture Hermes-Briquerie-new-Paysage-834x1112_01
Precise Acts - Hermès Workshops Lina Ghotmeh — Architecture Hermes-Briquerie-new-Paysage-1680x1120_03
Precise Acts - Hermès Workshops Lina Ghotmeh — Architecture Hermes-LGA-1839_1680x1120

Photo © Iwan Baan