Lecture. Dubai Expo: France Muséums Symposium. Lina Ghotmeh — Architecture 00_Paysage-1680x1120

Lecture. Dubai Expo: France Muséums Symposium.

On the 15th of January, Lina Ghotmeh participates in the event "Les Rencontres" by France Muséums, at the French Pavilion of the World Expo in Dubai. A day dedicated to the future of museums and their role in our societies of tomorrow, a first panel questions the theme of "Building a sustainable future: the unexpected challenges of the museum". Moderated by Sandra Lagumina, guests Kyung Wook Kim, Michel Miraillet and Lina Ghotmeh explore the museum of the past and the future together. Click on "More infos" for the complete Symposium schedule, and the list of participants.

Lecture. Dubai Expo: France Muséums Symposium. Lina Ghotmeh — Architecture 00_Paysage-1680x1120